Helping Employers Integrate Healthcare to Increase Efficiency
Empower your employees — and boost your bottom line — with our cost-avoidance focused healthcare education sessions and return to work solutions to help identify potential concerns before they become problematic.
Navigate. Educate. Advocate.
Ensuring Happy & Healthy Employees
Increased Productivity
Cost Avoidance
Building Corporate Morale
Employer Services
Employee Wellness Program
Our employee wellness program seamlessly integrates a registered nurse into your company’s operations, offering regular physical check-ins to help keep employees healthy — a major factor in keeping your company running smoothly.
For many people, work and life demands leave very little time for doctor’s visits, leaving employees prone to missing early signs of health troubles. Without regular check-ups, minor health issues that could have been easily managed if diagnosed early can quickly become complex, difficult, and time-consuming to manage. We help employees regain the ability to prioritize their healthcare by offering wellness check-ins at the office.
Non-Invasive Health Check-Ups to Help Decrease Sick Leave
Your designated nurse will meet privately with employees for fifteen minutes, typically once a month. The nurse will do a general wellness check, including blood pressure and heart rate readings. But most importantly, they will lead a candid discussion about the employee’s health.
Identify Concerns Before They Become a Problem
During check-ups, your nurse will guide a conversation that gives the employee an opportunity to discuss stressors at work and outside of work that could be contributing to stress. This might include aging parents, sick children, family disharmony, or any number of other concerns that contribute to stress. Our private confidential conversations identify issues early, so that we can intervene early to guide them towards the best resources to most efficiently manage the issue.
Direct Access to Quality Healthcare
Our connections within the healthcare industry allow us to provide your employees with our extensive network of multi-disciplinary healthcare providers. Our guidance eliminates the uncertainty within the complex Canadian healthcare system, so we can address issues faster.
Exceptional Access to Top-Rated Cross-Border Services
With access to services with our partners, we are able to arrange more timely cancer treatments, earlier than what could be available in Canada, to get employees back to life and work.
Lunch and Learn Sessions
Lively and informative healthcare talks that prioritize wellness within your company and guide employees towards taking steps to elevate their healthcare.
Empower Your Employees with Health Literacy
Our nurses and mental health professionals will speak to you on healthcare topics most relevant to your employees — from nutrition and weight management to mental health and stress coping strategies — then offer employees quality resources and the opportunity for personal guidance.
Return to Work Solutions
Complicated situations sometimes arise where an employee is unable to safely or confidently return to work. An employer is often left in a difficult position — unable to get clarity on the specifics, unsure of the timeline or strategy, and unclear of their rights.
With expert knowledge of WSIB policies and insight into how these situations tend to unfold, we guide you to smoothly transition away from a high-tension situation. We facilitate RTW with employees on modified duties to integrate them back into the workforce to their full capacities.
Employer-Employee Liaison
While upholding full confidentiality requirements, we work as a liaison between the employer and employee. Our involvement necessitates that the employee has accountability for their absence, progress, and plan. We keep you, the employer, informed — arming you with the most up-to-date information and offering guidance to ease the situation as quickly as possible, with a cost-avoidance strategy top of mind.
Additional Support & Information
Occupational Health & Safety
We simplify occupational health and safety legalities by giving you clear and accurate up-to-date information on employee rights. We offer guidance on specific cases, as well as general outlines on best practices.
Insurance and Fees
We will work with your insurance provider to evaluate your health benefit package and identify opportunities to maximize your healthcare options, including IHC services not otherwise provided.
Healthcare Policy Navigation
We seamlessly integrate into your existing healthcare structure. We work with your HR team, who know your employees, and your insurance providers to come up with cost-effective, quick solutions that work for your company.
All our consultations are private and confidential. Health and wellness can often be sensitive topics to discuss, so we strive to ensure that you feel comfortable and safe sharing your concerns with us.