Have you noticed an increase in disability claims within your organization? Not sure what you can do about it. One way to decrease not only disability claims but also sick leave and absenteeism is to implement mobile health services, also known as, a corporate wellness program within your company. Here are some of the ways mobile health services can help your organization.
Decreased short-term disability
One of the most common short term disability claims is stress leave. It’s not an understatement to say that we are burnt out and over-worked. In 2018, 1 in 4 employees left their job due to stress. And a more recent 2019 Forbes article stated that stress levels had risen nearly 20% in three decades. Eventually, something has to give, and that is usually our health. Integrity’s health coaching, screening, and chronic disease prevention programs help your employees get the care that they need so that short-term disability claims don’t become a common occurrence.
Decreased long-term disability
Chronic pain and illness are some of the main reason’s employees may put in long-term disability claims. Though mental health issues are becoming more common. One of the main things we focus on is prevention. Preventing health issues before they occur so that employees don’t get to the point that they need to take time off work due to a disability. We stand by that philosophy, and recent feedback from a large corporation we have worked with has shown that short term and long-term disability claims have significantly decreased since we have started working with their organization.
Happier and healthier employees
A decrease in disability claims is great for the pocketbook, and no company is going to say no to that, but our mobile health services also help promote happier employees, that feel better, work better and provide more value to your organization – an excellent bonus with the implementation of any health program.
I am intrigued; how can I implement a customized mobile corporate wellness program in my organization?
Our customized mobile corporate wellness programs are a great way to educate your employees, detect health issues that may be a concern, and promote overall wellness. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals can offer everything from health screening and coaching to chronic disease management, to medication management and we can even provide your employees personal support if they are currently caring for a loved one with health challenges. Since we offer customized mobile health solutions right to your businesses door-step, we make it easy to promote health within your workplace.
If you are interested in implementing a customized corporate wellness program within your organization, get in touch with us today!