Screening for Mood and Anxiety Disorders – Why your organization should care

Annual losses to the Canadian economy due to mental illness are 33 billion dollars. Mental illness also accounts for increased disability claims. According to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, addiction/gambling disorders, ADHD, OCD, and phobias all fall under the umbrella of mental health disorders.


Warning signs for mood and anxiety disorders

  • Some of the warning signs include:
  • Prolonged sadness 
  • Pessimism and indifference 
  • Crying spells 
  • Anxiety, irritability, anger, worry, agitation 
  • Feelings of guilt and worthlessness 
  • Feeling weak or tired 
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Having a sense of impending doom 
  • Restless, nervous or tense

These warning signs only scratch the surface as there are many different types of mood and anxiety disorders. If your employee has a family history of mental illness, they may also be predisposed to these types of disorders.


Screening for mood and anxiety disorders

Screening for these types of disorders is generally done by completing questionnaires to get a better idea of the struggles your employee may be currently facing. Screening does not indicate a diagnose as this must be made by a doctor, but it can open the door to a conversation about the options available and how to cope with these types of challenges within the workplace.


Complications of mood and anxiety disorders

The biggest issue with any mood and anxiety disorder is that it doesn’t allow your employee to live their day to day life and this can affect their job, their relationships, and lead to other health issues among other complications.


Prevention of mood and anxiety disorders

According to the Mayo Clinic, we can’t prevent mental illness, but we can ensure we pay attention to the warning signs. Screening and routine medical care are essential, and getting help when it is needed. The benefit of eating correctly and exercising can also go a long way.



How can I implement health screening and early detection in my organization to address mental illness?

Since we offer customized mobile health solutions right to your businesses door-step, we make it easy to promote health within your workplace.


Our team of experienced healthcare professionals can offer everything from health screening and coaching to chronic disease management, to medication management and we can even provide your employees personal support if they are currently caring for a loved one with health challenges.



If you are interested in implementing a customized corporate wellness program within your organization, get in touch with us today

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